The Welsh Language Commissioner's Education Pack

The aim of this education pack is to provide a range of resources for teachers and practitioners to use when teaching secondary school learners in Wales about the Welsh Language Commissioner and the relevance of the Commissioner’s work to their use of Welsh in everyday life.

Activities give learners the opportunity to develop the Curriculum for Wales’ mandatory cross-curricular skills, and to encourage them to apply and develop them further across the six areas of learning and experience.

The pack has been designed to align with the requirements of the Curriculum for Wales, offering a range of activities that give learners the opportunity to learn about their own cultural identity and foster pride in their own sense of identity and belonging to Wales as citizens of a bilingual Wales in a multilingual world.

The package is designed to be flexible so that teachers and practitioners can use it in a way which suits their learners and the time available. The activities are suitable for a range of secondary ages and can be adapted and differentiated as required.