Advice documents

FAQ's: third party services

At times, a third party will provide services or carry out an activity on behalf of organisations. When that happens, the duties under the standards continue to exist. Here are a series of frequently asked questions to explain more on this: 

The Commissioner has published several effective practice advice documents to help organisations.

They offer practical ideas for complying with statutory duties and promoting the use of the Welsh language. From time to time, the Commissioner holds educational events with organisations to promote the content of these advice documents. Here are the latest events:

Recruitment standards – guidance for public organisations

Here are links to a recording of the presentations of our guest speakers at our seminar on the recruitment standards which was aimed at anyone working for organisation implementing language duties and those who work in human Resources or with responsibility for recruitment. The purpose of the seminar was to share the findings of a recent review of the recruitment practices of organisations, raise awareness of the requirements of the recruitment standards, and to learn more about the practices of some specific organisation. A copy of IAITH: the Welsh Centre for language planning’s report can be viewed here.

Assessing the achievements of the promotion strategies

Policy making standards - guidance for public organisations

Here are links to a recording of the presentations of our guest speakers at our seminar on the Policy Making Standards which aimed to raise organisations' awareness of the requirements of these standards and their effect on efforts to increase the number of Welsh speakers, and on creating opportunities for people to use Welsh in their everyday lives.