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What is the role of the Welsh Language Commissioner

The post of Welsh Language Commissioner was created by the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. The Measure gives the Commissioner a number of specific regulatory functions and powers, including setting and enforcing Welsh language standards and determining on complaints and investigations. Following an investigation, the Commissioner may impose enforcement action where necessary. The Measure also states that the Commissioner must publish a 5-year report on the position of the Welsh language.

In promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language, the Commissioner also:

  • Works with public, private and third sector organisations to increase the use of Welsh language services and increase opportunities to use the language;
  • Influences policy to ensure that they strengthen the position of the Welsh language and improve the experiences of Welsh speakers;
  • Develops the Infrastructure of the Welsh Language, including the standardisation of place names in Wales;
  • Pays particular attention to the situation and needs of Welsh-speaking communities and the need to develop a bilingual workforce and workplaces;
  • Works with organisations, societies, communities and individuals which support the Welsh language;
  • Work within an international network of language commissioners;
  • Develops awareness and appreciation of the Welsh language, and promote the benefits of bilingualism to all.
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In exercising functions, the Commissioner must have regard to the official status of the Welsh language in Wales, the principle that the Welsh language should not be treated less favourably than the English language in Wales, and to the principle that persons in Wales should be able to live their lives through the medium of Welsh if they wish to do so.

Efa Gruffudd Jones is the Welsh Language Commissioner and has been in the role since January 2023.


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Summer 2024 Newsletter

The Welsh Language Commissioner's Newsletter for Summer 2024

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