Our policy opinions

1 Million Welsh speakers poster with a child sat on climbing frame

The Policy Team seeks to influence the Welsh Government and other organisations to ensure that their policies lead to an increase in the number of people who can speak Welsh and have the opportunity to do so on a day-to-day basis. In doing so we contribute to realising the vision of the Welsh Government's Cymraeg 2050 strategy. 

Read the strategy here.

Areas such as education, economic development, housing and planning, health and care are vital to the future of the Welsh language and the wellbeing of its speakers. If the Welsh language is not given due consideration at an early stage in the process of developing policies in these areas, there is a risk that the developments could have a negative impact on the language or that opportunities are missed to impact positively on its future.


To influence effectively, we take proactive steps in the policy areas that are strategically important to the Welsh language. We do this by working with partners and policy experts, giving recommendations, and sharing views and evidence with policy makers. We also respond to consultations from the Welsh Government, Senedd Committees and other organisations.

Our resources mean that we mainly respond to consultations on a national, regional and county basis. Not responding to a consultation therefore does not necessarily mean that we agree or disagree with the contents of a consultation.

In this section you can read about our work trying to influence policy in strategic areas.


Image rights: Senedd Cymru.