Glossary of Standard Terms
Welsh Language Scheme - a statutory document that some organisations must draw up setting out commitments in providing services in Welsh to the public in Wales in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993.
Welsh Language Standards - a series of rules created by the Welsh Ministers which place a statutory duty on public organisations to provide a service or to behave in a certain way when exercising their public functions in Wales. Organisations must comply with the standards set out in their compliance notice by the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Compliance notice – the document given to an organisation setting out the standards they must comply with.
Statutory investigation - when the Commissioner conducts an investigation into a complaint about failure to comply with Welsh language standards.
Notice of evidence – a notice given to an organisation which is the basis of an investigation requiring them to provide evidence to the Commissioner for the purpose of the investigation.
Terms of reference – a document that provides an outline of the complaint and the extent of the investigation including the standards that the Commissioner will consider as part of the investigation.
Decision notice – a notice given to an organisation following an investigation presenting the Commissioner's judgment regarding whether an organisation has failed to comply with a standard or not. The decision notice will also include details of any further action that the Commissioner intends to take as a result of his decision.