Earlier in the year the Welsh Language Commissioner announced that a more proactive approach to 'co-regulation' would be taken.
To ensure that our work regulating compliance with the Welsh language standards is set in the context of the national vision to increase the number of Welsh speakers and increase the use of the language, we have developed and set the following regulatory outcomes.
Outcome 1: Organisations with the capacity to provide high quality Welsh language services at all times.
Outcome 2: Welsh language users understand and are aware of the Welsh language services available to them.
Outcome 3: Organisations give due regard to the potential impacts of their policy decisions on the Welsh language.
Outcome 4: Organisations increase the use of Welsh in their workplace, enabling staff to work in Welsh on a day-to-day basis.
Outcome 5: Organisations promote the Welsh language so that people can use the language naturally in their daily lives.
Outcome 6: Organisations protect and promote the interests of Welsh language users by having effective governance and complaints arrangements.
Our intention in introducing these regulatory outcomes is for them to, amongst other things:
- set the Welsh Language Standards and our regulatory work in the context of the national vision to increase the number of Welsh speakers and increase the use of the language
- provide transparent public statements of what we intend to achieve, and how we will demonstrate that it has been achieved
- ensure that our regulatory activities focus on outcomes for Welsh language users and have the greatest impact on opportunities to use the Welsh language, and
- mitigate the risk that organisations focus on strict compliance rather than good outcomes for Welsh language users.
In accordance with our co-regulatory approach, these outcomes are intended to represent the common aims and objectives of the Welsh Language Commissioner, public organisations and Welsh language users, and that we can all take ownership of them.
The Welsh Language Commissioner will consider organisations’ compliance in the context of the regulatory outcomes in future, assessing the extent to which current levels of compliance are likely to lead to achieving these outcomes.