The Iaith Gwaith (Working Welsh) scheme and the orange speech bubble badge is used to show if a person can speak Welsh.
The Iaith Gwaith badge is well established – it can be seen everywhere and is an opportunity for people to show that they can speak Welsh and that others are welcome to speak Welsh with them, whether that be in the shop, in the hospital or in the leisure centre.
Since launching in 2005, the bubble has been used in a variety of creative ways.
Electronic materials
Did you know that there are electronic materials available that might be more suitable for your needs? These resources are available to download free of charge (below) and include a:
We can also offer licenses for organisations to be able to produce their own merchandise and use the brand on material that is already available to staff.
Examples of these are,
- embroidering the logo on uniforms
- print stickers for events and conferences
- produce a shop/business sign or print a sign on a vehicle with the logo
- placing the badge on the ID card of Welsh-speaking staff.
These methods have grown popular and are an alternative if the lanyard or badge cannot be used. Please contact us to discuss.

If you would like to order Iaith Gwaith badges for staff who can speak Welsh in your business, organisation or company, you are welcome to contact us. Please fill in the order form, provide all your details, and allow between 14 and 21 working days for delivery.