Report difficulty in using the Welsh language

In Wales, you should be able to live your life through the medium of Welsh.  

The Commissioner promotes and facilitates opportunities to use the Welsh language. 

This includes ensuring that you are able to receive services in Welsh from public organisations in Wales.  

It also includes protecting your freedom to use the Welsh language with other individuals in Wales. 

From time-to-time things can go wrong. It is part of the Commissioner’s work to investigate those cases.   

There are no costs associated with making a complaint to the Welsh Language Commissioner, and all cases will be considered carefully.  

You can contact us to:  

make a complaint  if an organisation is failing to comply with Welsh language standards;   

make a complaint  if an organisation is failing to comply with its Welsh language scheme;   

make an application to the Welsh Language Commissioner to determine on an allegation of interference with the freedom to use the Welsh language.  

We are eager to hear from you about your experiences. Complaints from the public help us get a better picture of the Welsh Language services available, and help us identify what services need improvement.  

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Make a complaint

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Freedom to use Welsh

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Raise a concern

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