Raise a concern

Poster Iaith Gwaith

If you feel that a third sector or private sector organisation treats the Welsh language less favorably than the English language in Wales, you can raise a concern.

Firstly, we would encourage you to direct the concern directly to that business or organisation in order to give them a reasonable opportunity to consider and respond.

If you have not received a response within a reasonable period of contacting the business or organisation, or if the response that has been provided is not acceptable, you are welcome to contact the Welsh Language Commissioner. 
Although it is good practice to offer the business or organisation an opportunity to respond in the first place, the Commissioner recognises that some circumstances mean that it is not possible for a person to complain to the organisation directly. The Commissioner will therefore accept concerns that have not been brought to the attention of the organisation in the first place. You will need to highlight specific examples or cases if possible. The Commissioner will consider these cases on a case by case basis.

Although the Commissioner does not have statutory powers to deal with complaints against a number of third sector and private sector organisations, the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 equips the Commissioner to encourage best practice, to carry out research and to give advice to any a person or an organisation. By tracking such concerns that are presented, the Commissioner believes that it is possible to identify areas that are a priority for the public. A strategic approach can be taken to offer practical advice to organisations in order to encourage long-term change.

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