In line with the principle of co-regulation, the Commissioner will work to provide more guidance and support to organisations in order to improve compliance and improve the services offered to the public.  

This will happen through a promoting compliance plan, which will include amongst other things, a series of events and sessions throughout the year. We will also develop practical resources and guidance, and share information regularly with organisations.  

The Support and Resources section of the website will be developed to reflect this work, and the events programme will be published here.  

Promoting Compliance Programme

We will organise a number of discussion sessions and information events during the year to provide guidance and support to organisations as they work towards improving compliance. 

This programme will be updated as details (i.e. dates and locations) are confirmed. We will also send direct invitations to organisations with any additional agendas and registration details. 

The Commissioner's compliance promotion programme of events for the year 2024-25 has now come to an end. 

We are currently organising the full programme for next year and details will be announced shortly.  

Upcoming Events:  

Workplaces Conference : Learn, Develop, Use