Public Organisations

Most public organisations in Wales, and many British organisations that provide public services in Wales, have to provide Welsh language services to the public. Some organisations operate Welsh language schemes while others operate in accordance with Welsh Language Standards. 


Welsh Language Standards 


While some organisations still implement Welsh language schemes, a large number have now transferred to implement Welsh Language Standards. 

The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 creates a new system for imposing a duty on public organisations to provide services in Welsh. Rather than requiring an organisation to prepare a Welsh language scheme, the organisations receive a Compliance Notice from the Commissioner which sets out the standards they must comply with. More information about standards can be found here and a list of all compliance notices can be found here. If you believe that an organisation has failed to comply with the standards in its compliance notice, you can submit a complaint to the organisation or directly to us. More information about how to make a complaint can be found here.


Town hall sign

Welsh Language Schemes 


In accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993, some public organisations are required to prepare a Welsh Language Scheme. A language scheme explains how an organisation ensures that it treats Welsh and English equally when providing public services in Wales. The schemes must be approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner who will also provide advice and guidance to organisations as they prepare and implement their schemes. The organisations have a statutory duty to comply with the commitments in the scheme. If you believe that an organisation has failed to comply with its Welsh language scheme, you can submit a complaint to the organisation. More information regarding complaints about organisations that implement Welsh language schemes can be found here.