The Welsh Language Act 1993 requires public organisations who deliver public services in Wales, to prepare a Welsh Language Scheme.
A Welsh language scheme explains how an organisation ensures that it treats the Welsh and English language equally when providing public services in Wales. The schemes must be approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner who will also advice and guidance to organisations as they prepare and implement their schemes.
Statutory advice on preparing a Welsh language scheme can be found here.
The organisations have a statutory duty to comply with the commitments in their Welsh language scheme. The Commissioner monitors how organisations operate in accordance with their Welsh language scheme through her Promoting Compliance Scheme.
Monitoring Compliance
Organisations have a duty to monitor and oversee their compliance with their Welsh language schemes. It is important that organisations have robust arrangements for self-regulation. The Commissioner's monitoring surveys have shown that those organisations that perform best have robust processes in place to monitor, verify and oversee compliance.
All organisations that operate a Welsh language scheme are committed to publishing an annual monitoring report. The report should include information on how the organisation has implemented its scheme during the year and report on progress in the implementation of any targets within the scheme’s timetable. The report should also include an analysis of complaints received during the year, reporting on the number and nature of the complaints and the steps put in place to resolve any failures. If the Commissioner is of the opinion that an organisation is failing to act in accordance with the clauses or commitments of its scheme, she can carry out an investigation in order to reach a decision on whether or not organisation is compliant.