Macmillan Cancer Support in Wales does whatever it takes to support people living with cancer and their loved ones. Thanks to generous donations, they provide financial advice and support including grants, cancer information, a listening ear as well as funding and supporting Macmillan professionals across Wales including nurses, welfare benefits advisers and GPs.
They share their experience of receiving the Cynnig Cymraeg below:
We provide cancer information leaflets in the medium of Welsh as well as editable Welsh language marketing materials, such as posters and flyers for our Macmillan professionals and supporters, available on our website This means people can promote their services or events such as Macmillan Coffee Morning through the medium of Welsh.
Many of our Wales-based staff speak Welsh and Macmillan is also funding Welsh lessons for staff who wish to learn it.
We’re proud to have achieved the Cynnig Cymraeg as using Welsh is important to us, the people we support as well as the people who support us. The Cynnig Cymraeg and the tools we created to support our staff across the organisation to work bilingually means we now provide a more consistent Welsh language offer to people with cancer and our supporters.
Our work is almost entirely funded by donations. Last year we doubled the funding we secured from town and community councils across Wales to support our services by explaining our work in their communities bilingually.
Fundraising Manager Sue Reece said: “We received feedback to say the local information was exactly what was required and the fact that it was available in Welsh swayed one council’s decision to award a grant to us.”
- For advice, support or a chat, people can call Macmillan free on 0808 808 0000.