
Ani-benod is a business that sells Welsh themes clothes, gifts and stationery. These range from clothes with Welsh sayings to Welsh academic diaries for teachers. The business is based in Aberystwyth. Read about their experience of receiving the Cynnig Cymraeg below. 

Why is using Welsh important to you? 

Using the Welsh language is very important and completely natural to us. It connects us with fellow Welsh speakers, fellow Welsh business owners and is something that has always been part of our vision. It is important for us to show that the language is going from strength to strength and can be cool. 

Describe the process of preparing the Welsh Language Development Plan from the decision to prepare a plan to receiving recognition from the Commissioner. 

It was quite a simple process for us, we reach many of the goals within our company naturally, but it was nice to see where we can improve too. 

Why is it important that you have received the Cynnig Cymraeg? 

It is very important for us to make it absolutely clear to our customers and to other organisations that we support such schemes and that we are extremely proud of this recognition. 

What are the benefits of receiving the Cynnig Cymraeg? 

The Cynnig Cymraeg has opened the door to various other opportunities such as grant support and putting us in contact with other organisations. 

What are the advantages of offering Welsh medium services to your customers? 

It is wonderful that our customers can contact us in Welsh on any platform. It enables us to offer a personal service to the people of Wales. Also, we receive regular feedback that our social platforms are a great help to Welsh learnes, which is fantastic. 

Would you encourage others to work towards the Cynnig Cymraeg, and why? 

I would encourage anyone to go for the Cynnig Cymraeg, put Wales on the map, and who knows what opportunities will come of it. 

Do you have any advice for any organisations that are considering working towards the Cynnig Cymraeg? 

Go for it, you have nothing to lose.