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Ramblers Cymru is the Welsh division of the Ramblers charity. The charity works to promote walking for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities, in towns and cities and in the countryside. They have over 40 groups in Wales that offer guided walks every week. Here, Brân Devey, Ramblers Cymru's Communications and Engagement Manager discusses the importance of the Cynnig Cymraeg to their work.
Describe the process of preparing the Welsh Language Development Plan.
At the beginning of the process of going for the Cynnig Cymraeg, the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Hybu team were very helpful. They explained the process in detail and outlined how receiving the Cynnig Cymraeg would be of use to us as a charity.
It was important that I included officers from across our organisation on the journey. I discussed with my colleagues in Wales, volunteers, and my peers at the Ramblers head office in London to ensure they understood the needs and why this work was important.
Why is it important that you have received the Cynnig Cymraeg?
We are part of a body that operates across the UK, but Ramblers Cymru is also a Welsh body with a Welsh history and as an organisation we value the Welsh language and culture. The Ramblers are also an inclusive body, and using the Welsh language is an important part of respecting and realising our values.
What are the advantages of offering Welsh medium services to your service users?
The Cynnig Cymraeg makes us more relevant and helps us display pride in the Welsh language. This makes us unique in the UK.
It also enables us to attract a new audience to the body and helps us to be relevant in modern Wales.
Has the Cynnig Cymraeg made a difference to your work?
The Cynnig Cymraeg makes our commitment to the Welsh Language credible. It also helps us to develop the Welsh language provision we offer. Offering a wider Welsh language service does mean that we need more resources, but we see value in this.
Would you encourage others to go for the Cynnig Cymraeg, and why?
Definitely. We believe that receiving recognition related to the language is very important as it is central to our identity and the culture of our country. The Cynnig Cymraeg has helped to develop the charity and makes us more relevant to our audiences.
What three things can you offer in Welsh?
- Respond in Welsh to any inquiries from volunteers and the public.
- Bilingual membership newsletter
- Bilingual information on our social media