Policy Decisions and the Welsh Language: A Conscientious Effort?

89 organisations participated in our line of inquiry into the policy-making standards (71% of all organisations subject to the standards). 

Here is a recording of an event we held which discussed the findings of the report and presented good practice from a range of organisations.


Key Findings


Policy Decision-Making Standards 

Several good practices are applied when carrying out Welsh language impact assessments. However, core areas need improvement to ensure full compliance. The need for a conscientious effort to consider the Welsh language stands out. 

Overall, organisations were of the view that their level of compliance assurance was higher than it actually is. 


Good Practices 

  • Carrying out a separate Welsh language impact assessment to give more emphasis and consideration to the specific requirements of the standards.
  • Providing up-to-date guidance and training that explains how to carry out a successful Welsh language impact assessment, including examples of possible considerations and an explanation of what constitutes a 'conscientious effort'.


Consultation Document Standards 

Although we identified some examples of good practice by organisations, it is clear that work needs to be done to ensure a better understanding of the two requirements within these standards, namely the requirement to consider and to seek views on the possible impacts on the Welsh language. 

Once again, organisations were of the view that their level of compliance assurance was higher than it actually is. 


Good Practices 

  • A consultation document asking unique questions relevant to the policy decision in question to meet the requirement to 'seek views'.
  • Clear guidance explaining that there are two requirements within these standards – to consider and to seek views. Both requirements need to be met. 


Research Standards

Overall, organisations did not demonstrate that robust arrangements are in place to ensure compliance, and therefore this is certainly an area that needs strengthening. 


These are the recommendations presented in the report:

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Policy Decisions and the Welsh Language: A Conscientious Effort?

Read the report here